â™ģī¸Economic Sustainability

Since day one when we started to plan our game and our economy the word "Sustainability" in mind. We were present in several P2E games as players that went bankrupt, no more tokens to be distributed.

We envisioned the game mechanics in a way that they will always be giving back to the reward pool, with this in mind escalating the number of players will escalate the amount paid in fees inside the game and keep the reward pool running.

Now let us showcase why every one of this fees exists and what's their impact in our game economy.

As a example let's take a look in to the PVE System, here we have the main topics:

Fees explained

The Fusing process will cost 10 JACK

This will add a burn to the Baby Jackals NFT assisting the market with scarcity and will add deflation for the Baby Jackals.

With this we can control if we want more or less monsters in the game. This is one of the most important tools that a economy needs to have. If we have too many Jackals in the market we can increase the amount needed to control supply, the reverse option exists as well. This is one of the most important tools that a Play to Earn economy have. Besides that having the reward token and the governance token used can be either burned to create scarcity or can me pointed to the reward pool to improve longevity of the project, both are valid options.

The monster needs to be registered before be used in the PVE, this fee cost 10 JACK

With this fee we can separate the people who will be fusing monsters and selling them from the people who will be acquiring a monster to be used on the PVE mode, with more players joining for PVE more of this tax will be paid and it goes directly to the reward pool.

Each monster will need to pay a dailly fee to figh

This daily fee will be chaged with the objective of regulating the PVE mode, it escalates with the number of JACKALS and not players and it goes to the reward pool as well.

The reward of the fights will start with a 70% cool down that will be reduced every day until reaches 0

This fee is used to slow down the withdraw process for new players and keep players involved, if they want to withdraw fast there will be a heavy fee.

Based on the rarity of the monster players will need to pay a rest fee every now and it will cost 30 JACK

This fee was created to provide value to high rarity jackals and to provide long therm sustainability to the reward pools, works in similar fashion to number 4 where it escalates with the number of monsters and not players.

Slot expansion for Jackals will be charged 20 JACK

This will assist to cover the players that want to be massive in the game and own several jackals, every player starts with 5 slots for baby jackals and 3 for jackals. If the user wants to have more jackals there will be more fees and it escalates with the number of users that want more jackals.

The Withdraw for JACK will be a 10% fee

This fee will be the gold star, it's divided between 5% to the reward pool to keep it running and 5% of the tokens will be burned to generate scarcity and to create a deflationary process since our token have a limited supply.

Last updated